I want this so badly

Before accepting that I must keep my old tumbledown greenhouse in the garden, for the time being at least, I spent a long time searching online for a greenhouse slash garden shed slash potting house.

It seemed such a straightforward idea to me. One little building that housed plants, tools, and all that junk that accumulates over the years and is banished from the house proper.

I searched and searched and searched and found nothing really suitable. Certainly nothing affordable.

But just now, a mere few days after telling you how I was reconciled to the beast at the end of the garden, and how I planned to make it look all lovely and appealing, on a little stroll down the Pinterest rabbit hole I stumbled across it. My dream garden outbuilding. Part potting shed, part greenhouse, part tool shed. And all, every single last bit of it, utterly beautiful.

Take a look.

Potting shed slash greenhouse
© Nitty Gritty Dirt Man

Screw the big, ugly greenhouse. I can’t begin to tell you how desperately badly I want this one, nay need this at the end of my garden.

It’s homemade, by someone who clearly has some superb DIY skills, and the plans and all sorts of useful information for how it was built are over at Nitty Gritty Dirt Man.

(There are also loads and loads of other wonderful gardening articles too, with hugely appealing names such as Ten reasons I love elephant’s ears. If you’ve any interest in gardening, you could while away a good amount of time here, as I just have…)

But back to the glorious shed. Any ideas on how I can persuade my husband to give up every bit of spare time he has to learn the requisite skills and then build this for me? As a birthday present perhaps? That would give him a whole three months to essentially retrain as a builder and get it in situ. Sounds fairly reasonable to me…

11 thoughts on “I want this so badly

  1. Ha ha, to dream indeed!

    Thanks for the link, that one is pretty cool too — I hadn’t seen it before. My only wonder if whether the glass part would provide enough light for it to function as well as a greenhouse, and if there would be enough space for plants on that side bit… But I guess you could always remove an extra bit of wood as well.

    I asked the hubby earlier about building one and he was pretty enthusiastic actually, so maybe it’s not such a pipe dream!

  2. I am sure he already has the skills hidden away in there somewhere, perhaps though start him on some book shelves, just to make sure.

  3. That’s just gorgeous! If you are serious about building one in your garden might I suggest that you contact your local Council to check if Planning Permission is required first? I know that small sheds and greenhouses don’t normally need it but this one looks more substantial with a proper roof etc. I think it also depends how close it is to your neighbours’ property too. It would be a shame to build your dream greenhouse / shed only to find that you had to take it down again! Good luck and I look forward to seeing photos of the finished article on your blog in future.

    P.S. When your accomodating hubby has finished it for you please could you send him up north as I still have a greenhouse in the kitchen which needs putting up?!

    1. Hi Lynn, Yes I think for UK planning, I’d have to have a much lower roof — it’s below 2.5 metres here, whereas that one looks taller, I reckon.

      I will certainly send hubby up north when finished. I would guesstimate we’re probably talking a decade or so, ha ha. xx

  4. Ahhh. Now I want one too. I had also resigned myself to the tumbledown greenhouse situation. I think you really do need to insist hubby retrains, then once he’s done yours you can set him up in his new job as greenhouse/potting shed/garden building specialist.

  5. I wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting my site and leaving a comment. I’m so glad you were inspired by my greenhouse/potting shed — and especially appreciative of the lovely comments in your post. I hope your hubby gets on board. If he has any questions, he can always contact my hubby. 🙂

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