Apple glut part two: Not bramley lemon curd

Those reading this blog yesterday, will have seen my post about the utterly delicious sage and apple jelly I made from the apple glut at our new house.

The jelly was fantastic, but it didn’t make a big enough dent in our apple pile (which I sadly didn’t photograph, so you’ll just have to imagine a lovely wicker basket overflowing with apples). Next to try was a variation on lemon curd, found in the River Cottage guide to preserves: Bramley Lemon curd.

Bowl of apples and lemons
The ingredients

We didn’t have bramley apples but we figured, quite rightly, that our apples would be just as delicious. Now, I have to admit, I didn’t make this one myself. I read through the recipe and found references to things like double steamers and heating it to a certain exact temperature and was immediately put off. I’m more of a chuck-the-ingredients-in-give-it-a-stir-every-now-and-then-until-it-tastes-good kinda cook. Stews not souffles, that’s my style. Luckily, my partner loves fiddly cooking (he can spend hours pre-chopping the veg to the perfect millimetre before so much as turning on the oven) so I put myself in charge of apple chopping and him in charge of the making.

To be fair to Jamie, and the recipe, once he’d started he made it look a lot more straightforward than it sounded. And within 30 minutes we’d made ourselves some gorgeous tasting (Not) Bramley lemon curd.

Lemon curd

Lemon curd on toast
Lovely spread thick on toast. Yum, yum, yum

I’ve just had a quick Google and it turns out this recipe has been published by the Guardian so is available online: River Cottage Bramley lemon curd recipe. I strongly recommend you make your own if you’ve got a few apples spare. We followed the recipe to the letter, but found we needed to heat the mixture for a lot more than ten minutes to get the right consistency: it ended up being closer to 25 by the time it was thick enough.

Best of all, we’ve still got some apples left…

Related articles:

Here are some more cooking ideas for apples if, like me, you’ve got a few on your hands…


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