Gone gardening

I’m off out today, for the whole day on my own. The very first time since I had the little sproglet back in July last year.

Vintage watering can image
Image from the Graphics Fairy

And I’m not just on any day out, but starting the first day of a new course: the RHS horticulture certificate (level 2).  Which is a slightly confusing title since, as far as I can find, there is no level 1. At least, I hope not, otherwise I’m going to be a total dunce when I arrive.

For the rest of the year, once a week I’ll have a break from nappies and get to spend a day learning about plants and seeds, soil and weeds, garden design, mulch and a host of other things.

So, in honour of this momentous occasion, I thought I’d leave you with a few vintage gardening pictures… (Vintage pictures being, as I’m sure you agree, one of the best ways of celebrating just about anything.)

English garden
From the New York Public Library digital gallery

Hopefully by the time I’ve finished the course in a year, I’ll have my very own floral fantasy in an old English garden. And maybe I’ll float around it in a kaftan, gazing into what may well be a crystal ball or perhaps a gigantic drop of dew…

Mary Mary
From the New York Public library digital gallery

Contrary Mary’s garden is looking rather lovely with lots of nice tulips. Ample watering seems to be the key.

From the New York public library digital gallery

Ahem. “How does my lady’s garden grow?” I shan’t say anything more about that.

Wish me luck remembering the Latin names of all the plants today!

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