A bundle of bibs

Remember when I made the little sproglet a set of carrot clothes in celebration of National Carrot Day a few months ago? And how I broke my sewing machine making the first of four planned bibs?

Homemade vegetable baby bibs
Cabbages and courgettes, carrots and toadstools, helping your baby learn his veggies since 2013…

Well, the breakage turned out to be terminal, which was sad for my machine, but quite delightful for me as it gave me the excuse to buy myself a new one. (Footnote 1)

And, oh my god, do I love my new machine.

It’s a Janome DC3050 (recommended to me by Laura, blogger and photographer extraordinaire from Nimble Fingers and Steady Eyebrows and Circle of Pine Trees). And, oh, the things it can do!

[If you’re already up with the latest sewing machine capabilities then please excuse me while I share my wonder at a newfangledness you already know about. You might want to meet me a few paragraphs down right about where the next photo is…] [For extra clarification by “latest” I probably mean as recently as just post invention of the loom.]

But, for those who are still here: it has auto tension! It has a thread cutter! It has computerised settings! It can sew a button hole for me! (This I’ve not yet tested, but I am imagining myself going downstairs to put the kettle on, while my lovely new sewing machine makes the button hole, and perhaps finishes off the rest of the garment for me, while I’m gone…) It has more stitches than I even knew existed, let alone have a clue how to use! And, perhaps least excitingly as a function, but best for my sewing, it has speed settings.

Sewing machine
My sewing machine in action. What a handsome beast! (I’m not actually sewing the bibs in this photo, though, but the egg cosies I made before Easter from the Liberty fabric I got from Mollie Makes.)

Speed settings have made sewing a curve a whole new experience. I whack the machine onto slow and find I can sew the most stunning curves you’ve ever seen. Turned out, all it took for my sewing skills to improve was to stop trying to go at the fastest speed imaginable, but just take my time to actually sew well instead. Hooda thunk?

So, now I have this wonderful new machine, I’m picking up the big unfinished sewing pile. It’s got various things for other people in it. Big things. Like a quilt that was for my sister for Christmas. And a first birthday present for a friend we visited in Ireland three weeks ago.

So, of course, the first thing I attempted was by far the least pressing: the incomplete bibs.

I’m working on getting my bib pattern into pdf form (footnote 2) so I can write it up here with a tutorial, but in the meantime I thought I’d share a few pictures of the seven bibs I’ve made.

I did three in some nice colourful fabrics.

Homemade tortoise baby bib
Lovely tortoises all over the bib

The tortoise fabric is called Tortoise Grass and is by Urban Zoologie. I think this is my favourite bib. There’s something about the fabric design that just works well in bib form.

Homemade Very Hungry Caterpillar bib
“On Saturday he ate through…”

The ever-appealing Very Hungry Caterpillar fabric is by Andover fabrics. It’s stocked in various places (I have a feeling I bought mine from eBay, but it was a while ago, so I can’t be sure…)

Homemade baby bib
Snails and trees and owls, oh my!

This rather gorgeous fabric with trees and snails is from Critter Community and is called Bermuda (I think that’s the right way round. It might be called Critter Community and be from the Bermuda collection perhaps). Whichever, it’s by Robert Kaufman fabrics.

The other four bibs were made from an old white shirt, with images ironed onto the front. (If you want to know more about doing this, check out my tutorial for ironing printed images to fabric…)

Homemade cabbage baby bib
Of cabbages and kings

I think this cabbage is my favourite of these bibs. The image is from Clip Art etc: cabbage image.

Homemade carrot baby bib
A carrot top for my carrot top (ha ha, that’s a brilliant joke that you’d have adored if I’d told you in advance that my baby is ginger…)

The carrots (as I mentioned last time) are from the Graphics Fairy, here: carrot image.

Homemade courgette bib
Lovely courgettes

The courgettes are also from the Graphics Fairy: courgette image. Though, I have to say, I think this image works least well on the bibs: the shape just seems wrong with the bib shape. It’d be great used as a pickling label as suggested though…

Homemade mushroom baby bib
It just needs a little gnome sitting on top to complete the whole look

And the little red mushroom is as well: mushroom image.

So, seven extra bibs should see us through, ooooh, an extra day and a half before we have to run the washing machine. Now it’s onto the important stuff. Next stop the first birthday present…

Footnote 1: Don’t feel too sad for my broken, unloved machine though. It went to a new home through Freecycle, probably to someone who will love and nurture it back to life and then treat it far better than I ever did.

Footnote 2: For “working on” read instead “asking my boyfriend to sort it out for me…”

Related articles

I’m linking this project up at I heart naptime, Serenity Now, the Shabby Nest, the Shabby Creek Cottage, Beyond the Picket Fence and Brag Monday at the Graphics Fairy. Head over to see what others have made this week.

9 thoughts on “A bundle of bibs

  1. Lovely bibs 🙂
    I wonder if you’ve got the same machine as my beloved Janome? I haven’t got the oomph to nip downstairs to check… but it sounds the same. Great features 🙂

  2. Ooh, they are gorgeous! I have child number two on the way so could probably do with making some of these (all the ones from child number one now obviously being beyond vile) will be waiting further instructions!!

  3. Horray for new machines and the bibs are so cute! I like the tortoise and cabbage ones the best. Looking forward to the tutorial (not that I have anyone to make bibs for but there are some new babies on the way so I can inundate them with bibs).

  4. Thanks all! Think I need to make some more myself as my projected day-and-a-half of wear proved slightly optimistic. I’m now looking at the remaining bib waiting to be worn, ha ha. Suspect they will be completely stained and beyond use within about a week or two, as well.

    Annie, those two are my favourites as well…

  5. I’m visiting you from Brag Monday at Graphics Fairy, sooooo glad I stopped by. Your bibs are darling, inspiring and your entire blog lovely. I’ll definately be back!!!

  6. I am a great grandmother about to make a bib for a competition for Women’s Institute here in New Zealand. Loved reading your blog. Am using your very friendly use pattern. Thanks so much. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

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